Our volunteers are an integral part of PCMF's success. They support our musicians by housing them, feeding them, cheering them on, hanging out with them and generally showing them Bay Area hospitality. In so doing, volunteers become our friends, fans and beloved members of the PCMF community. If you would like to get to know a musician better or get more involved, consider the volunteer opportunities below.
we need people to:
House a musician
Host a meal for the musicians
Coordinate a post-concert reception
Provide ground transportation
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we always need help with:
Accounting and bookkeeping
Legal advice
Logistics and operations
Your expertise, whatever it is!
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House a musician
PCMF's musicians fly in from other parts of the country to stay in Piedmont for a week of rehearsals, performances, and community outreach. We are looking for host homes convenient to the Piedmont Center for the Arts with a comfortable and private guest room suitable for practicing and available for the week of the festival.
PCMF provides several lunches and dinners during the week, but we ask that hosts provide simple breakfast items.
The generous hospitality of community hosts makes it possible for PCMF to bring world-class artists and chamber music to the East Bay. It is also a meaningful and fun way to support PCMF! Your musician guest will be quite busy during the week, so this is a great chance for you to connect with our world-class artists, while providing them a quiet haven for practicing and downtime.
All hosts receive season passes for that summer’s festival.
host a meal for the musicians
Hosting a lunch at the Piedmont Center for the Arts or a dinner at your home during the Festival is a great way to get to know our PCMF musicians in a relaxed atmosphere. Lunches should take place between 12:00pm and 1:30pm. Dinners should take place between 6:15 pm and 7:45pm to accommodate evening rehearsals.
Coordinate a post-concert reception
PCMF brings audience members and performers together at the Piedmont Center for the Arts to celebrate after each concert. Coordinating a post-concert reception is a great way to help the community get to know the artists and each other! We need volunteers to provide food and beverages and then lead the ushers in setting up and cleaning up.
PROVIDE Ground transportation
We need volunteers to drive our musicians to and from the airport.
We need your help getting the word out about PCMF by distributing and posting promo materials (posters, flyers, mailers).
Accounting and bookkeeping
We are seeking volunteers with accounting experience to keep PCMF's finances orderly and in compliance with necessary requirements.
PCMF relies on grant funds to meet our expenses. A team member with expertise in seeking and applying for grants would be beneficial to our long-term sustainability.
legal advice
PCMF is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit and could use legal help to stay compliant with necessary filings.
We're seeking volunteers to keep the many moving parts of the festival moving smoothly. Tasks may include coordinating other volunteers, such as homestay hosts, meal sponsors, concert ushers and drivers.
your expertise
If you have a skill or passion that you think we could use, let us know below!
Bonding with a terracotta warrior at the home of a PCMF supporter.